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Awakened by His Love, even now Guided by His Spirit – thoughts from July 27th “Meditations of the Beloved” program

Beloved, as we were praying for you we were lead to Song of Songs, especially chapter 2. We were also impressed to pick up The Passion Translation to use this interpretation as our prayer points for prophetic intercession over your life, focusing on where you are today. What we learned from this section, verses 10 –14, concerned the “awakening” that your entering into. It’s a new level of intimacy with the Lord. Receiving from the Father the revelation of who Jesus is to you as the Bridegroom King and how He is stirring you to beckon Him to draw you nearer to Him in your awareness. He is always enveloping you, but He desires that you recognize His Presence even more so. The passage we were directed to opens in verse 10 as He is declaring that He is drawing you to His heart because you have asked Him to. As we prayed for you according to this verse, the rest of the passage unfolded. He wants you to know that He has brought you through this cold barren winter and into the realities of new life, a spring time with Him. He’s stirring you to awaken you, to guide you forth…to rouse you from the apathy or lethargy of a spiritual winter. This passage says vs 11 (The Passion Translation) “The bondage of your barren winter has ended. And the season of hiding is over and gone.” Bondage is to oppress, have dominion over, to yoke. You have been bound in a sense, to an emptiness. And He, your Lord is saying “For now is the time to arise. And come away with Me! For you are My dove.” Now He is hiding you in His wounded side, where you will finally know rest in your most deepest Being. It’s interesting to see that He said you were in a Bondage of your Barren Winter, and later in vs 13 He says, Come away with Me! For you are My dove, Hidden in the split open Rock. “It was I who took you and hid you up high”…taking you from the bondage to be hidden in Him, the split open Rock. Now He declares the season of revival, spring time, new life has begun, this spiritual spring time with Him as your Love and your Lord. He desires that you would discern this new day of destiny, become aware of the signs that are pointing to His purposes and plans for your life…these signs and confirmations are blooming all around you. As we prayed for you we were praying that you would be awakened from the slumber of the Barren Winter. So we began to ask that you would have the heart and eyes to see all that He is saying and doing concerning how He is revealing His purpose and plans. We were also aware that you’ve been in a hidden place…though this place has been to Him, secret and sacred, it may have caused you to feel overlooked…passed over for promotion or friendship with others. I know for myself, He drew me to Isaiah 49:2 (ampc vers) “And He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand has He hid me and made me a polished arrow; in His quiver has He kept me close and concealed me.” I know that I received many hurtful words from other women when I was in this secret, sacred place with Him. Apparently I wasn’t doing for them or with them as they desired I would be, they chided me as “hiding”. But there was no peace in it for me to go and do and beforthem, He alone was being established as my Beloved Lord. After this storm of persecution passed, then He sent His Word from Isaiah 49:2 to let me know that He had a purpose in keeping me quiet, cloistered, only unto Him. So that when His time was right, I would speak only in order to heal. The shiny arrow much like a scalpel, would be an instrument of healing. But much time needed to happen in the cloistered, sacred, secret place of polishing me in this prayer closet. The same as it is for you my love. He explains that this season of cloistered life was meant to draw your heart into His, through deep and enduring intimacy, truly bonding your hearts as one. He seems so taken with calling you His beautiful Dove…I would press you to call yourself this, whisper to your own heart, “I am His Dove”…let it sink deeply into your inner most Being. Let His whispers concerning the sound of your voice being so lovely or your beautiful eyes of worship define you. Beloved enter into the simplicity of Meditation, drench your heart in the fullness of His words here to you…it might be summed up as: I am awakened to His love for me and even now I am being guided by His Spirit. Take this statement of something similar, get alone, close your eyes, breathe deeply, relax into that sacred inner place of meditation to beckon Him in prayer, surrender to His Truth and savor this meditational thought: I am awakened to His love for me and even now I am being guided by His Spirit. Let Him reveal His vision of what the fullness of this statement looks like to Him, so He can renew your mind and transform your life.

On the next program on “Meditations of the Beloved” on Fortress 1230am and Fortress Internet Christian Radio through WKBO.NET our meditation will be: I know His Presence, I know His love for me, I hear His Voice. Break down each line…soak in each sentence before moving on to the next.

I sense His Presence, feel His Presence, Know the Weight of His Presence. Think about His love for you, what it feels like to be His Beloved. Savor the fact that He wants you to know, to recognize His Voice…so that another you will not heed.

Feel free to make these meditational thoughts your own, rewrite them, so they flow freely to you. All that matters is that they are in some shape or form, written upon your heart…truly that’s all that matters.

Know that we are here praying for you.

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